Falling Behind
Creating the Timeline
I finally crunched the numbers and I'm falling far behind on my deadline. I'd like to wrap up The Odin Project's JavaScript Course by December 18th (so that I have time to do some interview prep before I'm applying for jobs come January). Right now, I'm working on material that I should have wrapped up the week of September 19th. That puts me about 3 weeks behind on my 16 week (as of the beginning of September) schedule. It does not feel good to be that far behind. I'm hoping to log a lot more hours over the next few weeks to catch up and be "on schedule."
Logging More Hours
Goodbye Weekends?
Something I'm recognizing is that I'm hardly spending any time coding/learning on the weekends. I'm thinking it may be wise to try and focus a bit more on my weekends to log more hours to catch up on the timeline I'm wanting to align with. Yes, I've got to catch up on chores like everybody else, but I may be able to set up a bit more time management to accomplish more coding during the weekend.
What Am I Learning?
I've been working through both JavaScript Classes and Webpack. JavaScript Classes are a bit of a controversy, but they are a specific way to allow inheritance to be passed down to child objects. Webpack is a powerful tool that I've only scratched the surface of. It's a powerful way to automate downloading dependencies, dynamically refresh a page, and a billion other things. I'm looking forward to getting a little more comfortable with Webpack as I've been looking forward to the more powerful automation tools out there in the developer world. Let's hope I can take this all in and figure out how to implement it in my upcoming project!
Tim David
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