It's All Adding Up
Calculator Project
The latest project I completed (this past weekend) was a basic working calculator. It turned out to be a bit more challenging than I initially expected. Part of that was my desire to jump in without fully digesting the initial instructions given to me. Once I reassessed the initial instructions, I got out of the first real rut I had found myself in. The main thing that this project centered around was how to hold onto all the different bits of data (numbers and operators) the user entered, and then having the math play out in the same order entered by the user. I had to figure how how to take in one thing at a time into an array, make sure multi-digit numbers were understood correctly, and then apply the correct operator to the numbers input. This was a lot of array manipulation and testing different combinations of multi-digit numbers and the different operators to make sure that different inputs would always give the right results.
Moving Forward
The calculator project was the last project in The Odin Project's Foundations section. Now I'm moving forward by beginning the Full Stack JavaScript course with The Odin Project. I'm excited to be moving on from the Foundations section and really start to dig deeper into JavaScript itself. On the literal edge of September, it's really hitting me that January is approaching with more and more speed. I'm hoping to dedicate more focused time to learning so that I can work my way through a lot of the material in the Full Stack JavaScript course as I look ahead to a future tech job in January of 2021! I'll be needing to start assessing my resume pretty soon...
Tim David
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